
Check out the results that our customers have already achieved with the Ada System and 4Fluid Mobile.

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Águas de Niterói uses 4Fluid and the Ada System to optimize loss management

Each Stattus4 client has a story with different realities: fields behaving in different ways and various challenges. One of the biggest problems in water loss management is properly mapping distribution, considering all…

Copasa Araxá uses 4Fluid Móvel and manages to reduce scanning time in 50%

Headquartered in Belo Horizonte, Companhia de Saneamento de Minas Gerais (COPASA) is among the largest sanitation companies in Brazil. Providing water supply and sewage treatment services to 640 cities in Minas Gerais.

Case Sanepar – Ada system for reducing and controlling real losses

The search for efficiency and process optimization is a constant in any organization. In the case of the Paraná Sanitation Company (Sanepar), the need for innovation to reduce and control real water losses has become a priority.…

Detecting Leaks Through Artificial Intelligence

The water concessionaire located in the interior of São Paulo, responsible for supplying water to more than 370,000 inhabitants, is known as the 4th Brazilian city with the best sanitation. Our Artificial Intelligence is helping…

45% Leak Reduction with Ada System

One of the biggest problems in managing water losses is properly mapping the distribution, considering all field variables, such as unstable pressure. This was the pain presented by a water concessionaire, located in the region…

Ada System: A/B Testing in sectors with different loss levels

A distributor in the south of the country recently implemented one of our technologies, the Ada System. The strategy was to carry out the test in 2 different sectors of the city, with around 1,000 connections and 11 km of network each. Results…

Concessionaire in the interior of São Paulo reduces water losses and provides financial savings

Located in the interior of São Paulo, the water concessionaire treats around 3 million liters of water per day. With the aim of improving its services and further optimizing loss management, at the end of 2022 the company carried out a test with…



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