Privacy Policy


This Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy was prepared in compliance with the provisions set out in Federal Law No. 13,709/2018 – General Personal Data Protection Law (“LGPD”) in order to define the rules and clarify the rights related to privacy and protection of personal data of users of the website, processed during their access, experience or relationship with STATTUS4 CIDADES INTELIGENTES E SUSTENTABILIDADE LTDA., headquartered in the city of Sorocaba, State of São Paulo, on Rua Eliamara de Oliveira, nº 72, Jardim do Paço CEP 18.087-086, registered with CNPJ/ME under nº 20.266.531/0001-38 (“Stattus4” or “We”). In order to reinforce Stattus4's commitment to the culture of privacy and information security, this policy fulfills its formal and legal role.


It applies to Stattus4, in compliance with the LGPD, as the recipient of personal data eventually provided by users of the website, as well as any and all holders whose personal data may eventually be processed by Stattus4 (eg , employees, customers, customers' employees, our suppliers and other partners) and for which Stattus4 becomes responsible – from the respective collection – for the use, storage and protection as controller of the information provided in accordance with the legal definition.


When browsing our website and/or contracting one of our services, we may collect the following personal data: » Direct identification data provided by the user in the contact form: name and surname, email, telephone, company where works » Geolocation data and IP address » Other indirect identification metrics collected through third-party snippets (eg, Google, Facebook).


We use the personal data collected exclusively for: » Receiving contact from website users; » Commercial contact for the sales team; » Compliance with legal and regulatory obligations; » Status4 marketing disclosures, such as through newsletters and WhatsApp; » Carrying out other essential activities to regulate Stattus4 operations, within the scope of its corporate purpose.


All data, information and communications collected are considered confidential by us, and will not be provided to third parties, except in the cases provided for in this Policy. To develop and improve the Services provided by Stattus4, we may engage third-party service providers to perform certain business operations on Stattus4's behalf. In doing so, we may need to share your personal information with them. We provide our service providers only with the personal information they need to perform the services we request, and we require them to protect this information and not use it for any other purpose. Stattus4 may also disclose your personal data to third parties, such as Stattus4's suppliers for our business, such as payroll management, technical support, IT systems operation. Furthermore, we may disclose your data in the event of: court order, order from a competent authority or need to defend our rights in legal or administrative proceedings. Additionally, it is possible that some of the transfers mentioned above occur to recipients located outside the national territory. In this circumstance, the parties undertake to do so only in countries that provide a degree of protection for personal data in line with best practices, always observing current legislation, thus providing users with guarantees of safeguarding their data, with specific contractual clauses. , without prejudice to the prior collection of your respective specific consent, when applicable.


Stattus4 adopts several precautions, in compliance with the guidelines on security norms, guidelines, standards and practices established in applicable legislation, including the LGPD. Access to the information collected is restricted to employees and authorized persons. Those who misuse this information, in violation of the provisions of this document, will be subject to applicable disciplinary and legal sanctions. In the event of an incident of this nature, Stattus4 emphasizes that it will make every effort to remedy and/or minimize the consequences of the incident, always in compliance with the best Information Security practices, aiming to provide a safe and optimized experience for its users.


Stattus4 is directly responsible for personal data, but there may be situations in which Stattus4 is not directly responsible, but merely an entity processing personal data for third parties, qualified as an operator. When Stattus4 processes personal data as a personal data carrier, this is ordered by a third party and Stattus4 is then bound by the instructions given by the third party. In these situations, Stattus4 cannot guarantee that such processing takes place in accordance with this Privacy Policy, but Stattus4 will always ensure that the processing is in accordance with applicable law and, as far as possible, in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


If you choose at any time to delete your personal data from the storage bank, Stattus4 may retain some personal data for an additional period for the purpose of complying with legal or regulatory obligations, as well as for the eventual regular exercise of Stattus4's rights, as well as for the purposes of audits and compliance with compliance standards. Personal data will be retained for the period necessary to fulfill the aforementioned obligations, always respecting the deadlines established in applicable legislation.


Stattus4 reserves to its users the possibility of exercising the rights provided for in the LGPD, and may submit requests related to their personal data, such as:
a) Confirmation of the existence of treatment;
b) Access to personal data;
c) Correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data;
d) Anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary, excessive or supposedly processed data in non-compliance with the LGPD, except in the cases provided for by Law;
e) Data portability to another service or product provider, upon express request by the user;
f) Elimination of data processed with the user's consent, except in the cases provided for by law;
g) Obtaining information about the entities with which you shared your data;
h) Information about the possibility of the user not providing consent, as well as being informed about the consequences in case of refusal;
i) Information related to the processing, storage and destination of personal data, within the scope of the LGPD;
j) Revocation of consent. To exercise the rights indicated above, please contact us via email


Stattus4 reinforces its commitment to the privacy of the information provided through continuous improvement and improvement of its users' experience and security. Therefore, personal data processing practices may undergo future changes to reflect possible changes, always towards the best practices in the segment. Any updates made will be made available on the Stattus4 website, and such changes will be valid, effective and binding on the website. Communications will be made through one of the channels made available to users during registration, when applicable.


In case of doubts or further clarifications regarding privacy or the processing of personal data used by Stattus4, users may contact us via email



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