August 10, 2023

View monitored sectors in one place 

The water loss manager plays an essential role in ensuring the efficiency of cities' water supply systems. Its main responsibility is to monitor and reduce water losses in the distribution system, which can occur due to leaks, pipe ruptures, measurement errors, among other factors.

The loss manager's routine is not easy. He must be aware of dozens (perhaps hundreds) of facilities that may need his corrective action. To find out how each installation is doing, you need to change screens, point out addresses and check the status of the sector.

The importance of viewing the monitored sectors in one place is fundamental to the efficiency of the water loss manager's operations. 

Stattus4 offers a solution that allows this visualization, the Ada System. With it, it is possible to monitor all distribution sectors, analyzing the situation of each one, comparing with historical behavior and generating alarms in case of important deviations.

For the Manager's supervision, he can select how many sensors he wants to see simultaneously on the sector map. This makes it quick to check the behavior of the entire sector on a single screen.

Consolidating information into a control panel or software allows for agility in decision-making to minimize losses and ensure an adequate supply of water to the population.



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