At Stattus4, our DNA is based on values such as transparency, ethics and sustainability, reflected in the care for our suppliers, investors, employees and everyone involved in our trajectory.
Stattus4 has a purpose. And our main mission is to ensure that it never gets lost, no matter our size or how many cities or countries we are present in. We are aware that technology has caused profound transformations in the world. In industry, health, in people's daily lives.
However, it is not technology that moves us, as it is a means and not the end. Our main objective is linked to what is essential to life. Water is not manufactured on an industrial scale, nor is it replaced by similar products. She is unique, irreplaceable and essential. That's why preserving it is something so important for our future as humanity.
And that is how today we celebrate seven years of developing technology to avoid losses in water distribution. Since 2015, we have made mistakes, learned, evolved, adapted. Everything to achieve even more promising results that impact not only our company, but also the world.
We have already identified more than 8 thousand leaks and saved more than 46 Olympic swimming pools per day in water volume. And that's just the beginning. Together, we want to remain firm in this purpose, growing and multiplying. Much more than providing financial savings, we want to make a difference to the planet. Around here, we will always think about technology to preserve what is essential.
Watch the video of our Manifesto 👇
The ethical principles defined in this Code of Ethics and Conduct cover all service provision locations in national and international territory and must be observed by all employees, suppliers, as well as third parties involved in the company's organizational processes.
The Code of Ethics and Conduct is a document that offers guidelines for behavior and professional relationships. This document seeks to provide transparency in processes and standardization of conduct, supporting decision-making and parameters for resolving conflicts or non-conformities that do not follow the conduct represented here.

Technology to preserve the essential

To be globally recognized as a socio-environmental impact company, applying cutting-edge technology to preserve natural resources.

- Ethic;
- Team work;
- Positive thinking;
- Proactivity;
- Intrapreneurship
When you are faced with a situation where you have to decide whether an action or conduct is appropriate, we recommend that you follow three steps:
- Make sure that the action or conduct is in accordance with current legislation.
- Make sure that the action or conduct is consistent with this Code, Stattus4's internal policies and standards.
- Make sure the action or conduct is in line with Stattus4 Values.
If the answer to any of these questions is “no”, the behavior or attitude in question is inappropriate and is not supported by Stattus4.
Employee Responsibilities
- Respect and act in accordance with current legislation;
- Act with dignity, honesty and integrity in relationships with customers, suppliers and other employees;
- Protect any and all confidential information, undertaking not to inform, disclose or publish any data or facts of the professional activities carried out at Stattus4 and its clients, respecting the legislation and rules established regarding the confidentiality of information;
- Maintain high professionalism, respect and sensitivity when dealing with people, acting systematically with efficiency, effectiveness and clarity in order to assist everyone with their needs with the aim of obtaining results with positive ends for both parties;
- Ensure full compliance with technical standards and safety procedures in the workplace;
- Contribute to the conservation and improvement of the work environment, acting in favor of hygiene, safety and well-being of people, in addition to immediately reporting situations arising from activities carried out that may put employees and Stattus4's assets at risk;
- Have a true character, respecting the cultural and ethical parameters of society, the environment and respect for human dignity, including when issuing opinions and disseminating information in any means of social communication and advertising;
- Refuse any ties with suppliers of services or products, as well as customers, and cannot receive any personal benefits linked to their activities that could characterize favors and benefits;
- Be aware of their activities and responsibilities as mentioned in the Job Description and execute them;
- When necessary, seek support and guidance from the Board, so that any and all doubts related to correct personal and professional conduct can be resolved;
- If you become aware of any act that may violate or go against the ethical principles of Stattus4, as well as a possible violation of legislation, immediately notify the board of directors, through direct communication channels;
- Do not practice unfair competition with the company and customers;
- Support the areas under your responsibility, including with the support of internal supervision, when necessary, in order to ensure compliance with activities and internal policies and practices.
Collaborators are prohibited from
- Make false or insulting statements that undermine the image of Stattus4, its partners and/or colleagues;
- Use, under any circumstances, the influence of third parties and those outside the company's staff, to obtain benefits within Stattus4;
- Carrying, using or distributing illicit drugs or alcoholic beverages on the premises of any of the company's units;
- Carrying on Stattus4 premises any type of weapon or object that is capable of attacking the bodily dignity of others;
- Reporting to work during work hours under the influence of alcoholic beverages or narcotic chemical substances;
- Playing games of chance, with or without the involvement of monetary values in the workplace;
- Access pornographic content, printed or in electronic media, on Stattus4’s premises, even through its own resources;
- Disrespect the smoking ban in places with this restriction;
- Spread rumors, spread rumors or gossip about co-workers;
- Yelling or speaking disrespectfully to other co-workers;
- Sell products, raffles or promote financial chains/pyramids of any nature, during working hours and on the premises of any Stattus4 unit;
- Assigning derogatory nicknames to co-workers;
- Post or share messages of a derogatory, pornographic, insulting nature or that in any way offend the image of Stattus4 and other co-workers or partners in groups and profiles on social networks;
- Disqualify colleagues, in person or through printed or electronic resources, through offensive jokes, insults or humiliating insinuations;
- Express any type of discrimination or prejudice, based on social condition, gender, ethnicity, race or color, religion, age, sexual orientation, region of origin, physical or mental disability, marital status, permanent or temporary physical characteristics, philosophical beliefs or policies or illnesses;
- Reporting to the workplace wearing inappropriate clothing that disrespects the decorum and professionalism required by Stattus4;
- Use without due authorization the name, brand, logos, slogan, colors, and other forms of visual identification of Stattus4 in virtual/social networks/communities or any other means that may cause damage to any of the company's businesses.
- Make statements of a political or ideological nature in virtual/social networks/communities, as such an attitude could cause damage to any of the company's businesses.
Information is extremely valuable and essential for any professional activity, and must be used exclusively for its purposes and must be protected against theft, theft, damage, violations and unauthorized exposure or misuse.
Within the scope of their functions and responsibilities, employees have access to privileged information such as: financial results, financial plans or budgets, research and development projects, product designs and designs, reports and other documents on behalf of Stattus4.
Such information cannot be disclosed to third parties without the authorization of the Board of Directors, being considered a reason for warning and even entailing legal measures.
Intellectual and Industrial Property
The results of intellectual work and strategic information generated at Stattus4 are the exclusive property of the company. The employee must treat information containing intellectual property confidentially, and the disclosure of information is not permitted, being considered anything from a reason for warning to even implying legal measures.
The employee undertakes not to use the knowledge acquired at Stattus4 or in its partnerships to obtain their own benefits, create parallel businesses or generate competition with the company's activities, even if associated with third parties.
Any documents related to research and development projects, Stattus4 products, analysis methods, partnerships and other related matters are strictly confidential.
Respect in the workplace
Stattus4 values its employees and seeks to offer appropriate working conditions and professional development, with initiatives and attitudes aligned with its values.
Stattus4 is concerned with maintaining a pleasant environment where all employees can carry out their activities with peace of mind. Employees should not make jokes or create nicknames for their colleagues, even without the intention of offending.
Discrimination in the Work Environment
Stattus4 cultivates an environment that values diversity in work relationships. Therefore, everyone must be given respectful, cordial and fair treatment, regardless of their position or function.
Actions of discrimination, harassment, disrespect, exploitation and prejudice of any nature, whether based on race, religion, age group, sex, political conviction, nationality, marital status, sexual orientation or physical condition, are not permitted.
Moral or Sexual Harassment
Stattus4 does not tolerate any form of harassment such as sexual, economic, moral or any other nature, nor situations that constitute disrespect, intimidation or threat in the relationship between employees, regardless of their hierarchical level.
Attitudes that characterize moral or sexual harassment may result in criminal liability for those involved. These conducts must be reported through Stattus4 communication channels.
Stattus4 seeks to improve its products and services through modern practices to obtain the best quality standards and greater customer satisfaction.
All Stattus4 employees, regardless of their role and/or area of activity, must treat customers with cordiality and respect, listening to them with the aim of understanding their needs, promptly responding to their requests and exceeding their expectations.
- Stattus4 respects all consumer rights expressed in Current Legislation, in particular the Consumer Protection Code – Law No. 8,078 of 1990.
Gifts, gifts, entertainment and hospitality
Gifts, gifts, entertainment and hospitality given or received from people who have a business relationship with customers are generally accepted if they are of modest value, appropriate to the business relationship, and do not create the appearance of inappropriateness. No cash payments must be made or received. Furthermore, you must not give, offer, promise, receive, facilitate, pay or authorize gifts and entertainment with the aim of obtaining an undue advantage.
The Company expects its Employees, Suppliers, Partners and Customers, before offering a gift, gift, entertainment or hospitality, to ensure that they are in compliance with usual market practice and legal requirements, in order to avoid situations that constitute inappropriate behavior.
The receipt of any gifts, gifts, entertainment and hospitality given or received must be reported to the Board of Directors or a superior, solely to inform them of such events.
Gift between Coworkers
In the event that employees wish to voluntarily participate in lists of contributions, donations, retirement, wedding gifts, among others, the value of the contribution must not be pre-determined, must not be a large amount and invitations to join must be restricted to the department of the employee or circle of colleagues with whom the honoree is closest.
No employee may be required to participate in contributions or gifts.
This manual was developed to disseminate knowledge and the Company's Code of Ethics. We believe that this is the best way to train and raise awareness among all interested parties about the Company's conduct and practices, incorporating values and integrity into its day-to-day activities.
It is the duty of all employees to communicate and disseminate the guidelines of this code to all employees, representatives and service providers by face-to-face or electronic means.
Suppliers, as well as their employees, must act on social media respecting the Company's values and this Code when mentioning the Company or making reference to any of its Employees or third parties
We adopt ESG criteria in all our operations to ensure that our business model will be sustainable in the future. These include, among others:
The. ensure the well-being and safety of Employees;
B. act appropriately in the communities in which we operate;
w. mitigate the impacts of our operations on the environment; It is
d. conduct business in accordance with the highest ethical and regulatory/legal standards.
We also incorporate ESG criteria when conducting due diligence procedures, including, among others, issues related to anti-bribery and anti-corruption, health and safety, thus aiming to evaluate material issues related to ESG, possible risks and potential mitigation strategies.
Failure to comply with the guidelines of this Code of Ethics and Conduct, as well as any of the Company's internal policies and rules are subject to punishment. Repeated offenses are subject to aggravated disciplinary measures.
According to the CLT – Consolidation of Labor Laws, employees who violate any of the rules will be subject to:
- Verbal warning;
- Written warning;
- Suspension;
- Dismissal without just cause;
- Dismissal with just cause.
The penalty must be applied immediately after the offense committed.
This Code also applies to non-CLT professionals – self-employed or Legal Entities – such as Partners, Suppliers and Customers with the same criteria and rigor. Any infraction will be reported as soon as possible, leading to contractual penalties or even termination of the contract.
Any employee or third party who has doubts about the principles or guidelines of this code or who suspects that it is being violated or may be violated must make use of the Reporting Channel using the button below (preferably use this channel) or via the report email:
We are all responsible for developing and maintaining a culture of compliance, business ethics and lasting professional relationships.
Complaints will be analyzed confidentially and confidentially.