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How Can the ESG Approach Improve Water Resources Management?

In recent years, the acronym ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) has gained prominence as an essential guide to more sustainable and responsible business practices. But how can this approach specifically help with resource management…

First Webinar: Celebrating our 9 years!

In 2024 we are celebrating our 9 years. To celebrate this date, we held our first webinar “Transforming Challenges into Tangible Results: Practical Case and Impact and ESG Report”. It was a meeting full of valuable insights…

Does recycling help combat climate change?

The answer is not so simple, but let's make it more didactic. By recycling some material, we help reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills, where it can release methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Furthermore,…

Lack and excess of water: how can we contribute to maintaining balance?

Water, an essential resource for life, faces a global challenge: the imbalance between scarcity and excess. On the one hand, drought and lack of access to drinking water affects 25% of the world's population, impacting the health of millions of people. …



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