November 20, 2023

Technology and Sanitation: a powerful partnership

Sanitation is a fundamental need to guarantee the quality of life of Brazilians. With the Sanitation Legal Framework, the country established goals to improve this sector, promoting economic development and preserving the environment. In this blog article, we will explore how technology is playing a crucial role in this advancement, with a special focus on the Ada System.

Technologies in Sanitation: Smart Sensors, AI and Machine Learning 

Technology has revolutionized Sanitation, improving water and sewage treatment systems. Smart sensors monitor water distribution, ensuring quick responses to problems. Machine learning algorithms prevent failures in sanitation systems. 

The devices are capable of monitoring water distribution, allowing a quick response to problems in the system, such as leaks. Furthermore, they can also identify trends, allowing intervention before the problem becomes larger and more financially significant.

How can the Ada System contribute?

The Ada System is aligned with the Sanitation Legal Framework also in reducing inequalities, as it accelerates the recovery of water that would otherwise be lost, facilitating its delivery to needy communities. This not only improves the quality of life in these communities, but also promotes equal access to essential resources. 
