March 4, 2021

We joined the UN Global Compact in Brazil

Stattus4 has just joined the UN Global Compact in Brazil, a United Nations (UN) initiative to mobilize the business community to adopt and promote, in its business practices, Ten Universally Accepted Principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment environment and combating corruption. With the creation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Global Compact also assumed the mission of engaging the private sector in this new agenda.

Here at Stattus4 we were born guided by the defense of the Environment, creating technology to preserve the essential thing, water! On our website (LINK) it is possible to check the amount of water recovered by our customers through the use of our tools. Furthermore, this year we launched our Code of Ethics and Conduct, in which we reiterate our commitment to the Principles of Human Rights, Labor and Anti-Corruption. 

As a special initiative of the UN Secretary-General, the UN Global Compact is a call for companies around the world to align their operations and strategies with ten universal principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. Launched in 2000, the Global Compact guides and supports the global business community in advancing the UN's goals and values through responsible corporate practices.

With more than 16 thousand companies and almost 4 thousand non-business organizations, distributed in 70 local networks, covering almost 170 countries, it is the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world. For more information, follow @globalcompact on social media and visit our website at

By joining the Global Compact we commit to reporting annually on our progress in relation to the Ten Principles. Thus, the initiative encourages the constant evolution of internal sustainability practices. Companies that want to take part can find more information at

The UN Brazil Global Compact was created in 2003, and today it is the third largest local network in the world, with more than 1,600 participants. The more than 40 projects carried out in the country mainly cover the themes: Water and Sanitation, Food and Agriculture, Energy and Climate, Human Rights and Labor, Anti-Corruption, Engagement and Communication.

For more information, follow @pactoglobalbr on social media and visit the website at Also access the Stattus4 profile (LINK) on the Global Compact Website.



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