
May 11, 2020

Covid19: Donation of 600kg of plastic for the production of face masks

Stattus4 donated 600kg of plastic to the Face Shield Project, in which ABINFER (Brazilian Tooling Industry Association) with the support of SENAI Sorocaba manufactured the molds and injection of parts for making masks. These masks were delivered to health institutions in Sorocaba and the Metropolitan Region: Hospital Regional de Sorocaba, Santa Casa de Misericórdia, Hospital Unimed, SAMU, firefighters, among others. 

Recycle: This is one of Stattus4’s principles. With the donation of the material, it was possible to manufacture more than 30,000 protective masks that were donated to various health structures in the metropolitan region of Sorocaba and part of São Paulo. 

Stattus4, during the development of a gas telemetry project, used PP (polypropylene) plastic to manufacture boxes attached to the gas meter. 

The Stattus4 project for gas telemetry is focused on integrating data obtained in the field with more efficient management. By controlling gas flow and consumption, the manager can make more assertive decisions, even more so if the data sent is as frequently as he needs and with different analysis possibilities. 

The Face Sheield Project was started by one of ABINFER's associates, who, seeking scale and productivity, joined SENAI Sorocaba. With the material donated by partner companies and the plastic donated by Stattus4, more than 30 thousand complete masks were manufactured in the metropolitan region of Sorocaba. In this project, more than 14 molds were developed throughout Brazil, enabling the manufacture of around 500,000 masks in more than 18 states. 

All pieces produced by the Face Shield Project were donated to health institutions through the municipal health departments and directly to public hospitals: Hospital Regional de Sorocaba, Santa Casa de Misericórdia, firefighters, SAMU, health centers, among others. 

Stattus4's mission is to rationally use natural resources, hence the donation. The current moment calls for joint efforts to protect a greater good: life. Projects like Face Shield save lives, and the companies involved do it with just one objective: helping others.



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