July 14, 2023

Detecting Leaks Through Artificial Intelligence

The water concessionaire located in the interior of São Paulo, responsible for supplying water to more than 370,000 inhabitants, is known as the 4th Brazilian city with the best sanitation.

Our Artificial Intelligence is helping the utility to detect invisible distribution leaks. 

“We were able to cover much greater distances in less time, and with greater effectiveness”, says the loss manager. (Source: G1)

With the use of 4Fluid Mobile Twice as many suspicious points were identified, 80% of which were confirmed. And all this with the allocation of unskilled labor in scanning, as the geophonist only goes to suspicious points.

“Instead of him walking all night, he only goes to the points where he has to confirm the leak or not. So we have a very large income gain”, says the loss manager. (Source: G1)

Thus, the search for Losses becomes an economical and effective operation, bringing savings of more than 100 liters of water per connection per day. Stattus4 is focused on combating Losses, and operations like this show that we are on the right path.



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