November 25, 2024

Agenda 2030: The Call to Transform the World Now

It is true that the world has advanced in many aspects. As long as a single tree is illegally cut down, as long as a single person does not have access to drinking water, we cannot stop. We must not stop.  

Change is urgent

Millions of people around the world still walk more than 5km a day to fetch water, and often this water is not of sufficient quality for consumption. This harsh reality connects us to several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

  • SDG 6 – Drinking water and sanitation, because clean water is still a privilege for a few.
  • SDG 1 – Eradication of poverty, as basic access to water is directly linked to social inequality.
  • SDG 7 – Affordable, clean energy that can make water transportation and treatment more efficient.
  • SDG 10 – Reduction of inequalities, since those who suffer most from this deficiency are marginalized populations.

A question of gender: 90% are women

An alarming fact is that 90% of the people who fetch this water daily are women. This statistic highlights the gender inequality highlighted in SDG 5 – Gender Equality. 

The 3 I's of Agenda 2030

The 2030 Agenda is Interconnected, Indivisible and Integrated. This means that we cannot solve one problem in isolation. We need to see the whole picture: poverty, environment, health, education, equality and sustainable development are all connected.

Whose responsibility is it?

From all of us. The 2030 Agenda is a global commitment that requires joint action from 

  • Governments, to create public policies that prioritize the SDGs.
  •  Companies that have the power to transform resources and practices into positive impact.
  • Civil society, as a driver of change, demanding and participating in solutions.
  • Individuals, because every small action can generate a chain effect.

Regardless of the sector, companies have enormous potential for transformation. Adopting sustainable practices, aligning strategies with the SDGs and investing in social innovation are fundamental actions to achieve global goals. The responsibility is great, and the impact will be even greater.

Now is what matters

The 2030 Agenda is not about a distant future. It is about what we are doing today to build a more just, balanced and sustainable world in the now. Let's do it together?
