August 14, 2023

Digitization of the scanning process

Before we talk about digitizing the scanning process, let's understand how the loss reduction team traditionally performs the leak hunting process.


Scanning the water meters is the important beginning of the leak detection operation. Usually, the geophonist visits all homes looking for signs of losses. He uses notes and printed scripts to guide him and fill in the situations he observed.

A lot of work for one of the dealership's most important professionals, not free from the possibility of mistakes in the notes. After all, nothing more human after a whole night of scanning.

Digitization is helping the loss management team  

Yes, digitalization has been a great ally for water loss management teams, especially during the process of scanning and detecting leaks in the field. The introduction of digital technologies brings numerous advantages that make this process more efficient and accurate. Here are some benefits of digitization:

1. Faster Leak Detection: With digitization, the team can use data analysis algorithms to identify patterns that suggest potential leaks, even across large areas of the distribution network. This speeds up the detection process and reduces the time needed to locate the leak.

2. Precise location of leaks: Advanced sensing technologies, such as leak acoustics and geophoning, allow for more precise location of leaks in the field. This helps avoid unnecessary excavation and reduces operating costs.

3. Waste reduction: With faster, more accurate detection of leaks, staff can act quickly to repair them, preventing significant water losses and reducing waste.

4. Greater operational efficiency: Digitalization provides an overview of the distribution network, enabling the optimization of scanning routes and the planning of repair operations. This results in more efficient use of staff resources and equipment.

5. Data and historical storage: With digitalization, it is possible to record and store historical data on leaks, repairs and interventions carried out. 

6. Improved decision making: The availability of real-time data and advanced analytics allows staff to make informed, evidence-based decisions, directing their efforts to the most critical areas and reducing response time.

Discover Stattus4 solutions

With the 4Fluid Mobile solution, scanning can be done by operational personnel – plumber, consumer reader. The geophonist will be called to only go to suspected leak points.

All scanning documentation is electronic, with easily accessible maps and itineraries, and there is automatic recording of the addresses visited, date and time of the visit and note of the situation found. If necessary, you can even include photos of the easel.

With all documentation digitized, the Loss Manager can check the team's performance and have the data to prioritize the next steps in combating losses.



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