July 26, 2023

5 things you need to know about the technology associated with water distribution loss management

From the moment we wake up until the moment we go to sleep, technology accompanies us, facilitating and simplifying many everyday activities. All technology comes to help us in our tasks!

In the management of losses in water distribution, it is no different. The solutions with IoT technology and Artificial Intelligence that Stattus4 developed came to accelerate results. Just look at the benefits they provide for managing water distribution losses:

1. Optimizes decision making

With reliable field data and historical records available on the screens, the distribution situation is simplified and objective.

2. Leaks found faster

The Artificial Intelligence system indicates suspected leak points daily, enabling the specialized team – the geophonist – to focus their work only on these locations. 

3. Control of field activities

Recording the days that the field team was at each event, including date, time and photographs, allows accurate monitoring of services.

4. Map view

Having a map of the area under control, with an indication of all pressure measurements and hydraulic load, the system also delivers the Minimum Night Flow and Research Factor.

5. Increased productivity 

With data always up to date, Management and Operations teams focus on important events.

In summary, the use of technologies has provided advances in water loss management. From faster detection of leaks to the analysis of accurate and useful information from the field, technologies enable a prevention approach, contribute to reducing losses – before they become more significant and sustainably and financially damaging – and are fundamental to preserving the which is essential: water!



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